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Take advantages with the Help of Our Export Import Products

Trade Genius Global provides Export Import data on the value and quantity of merchandise exported and imported between various countries and its trading partners. We are providing information about actual overseas importers and exporters, having the largest databases in terms of both the number of countries included in its database.

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Import Export

Trade Genius Global is one of the leading, relaible, and trusted Exim service providers in India that offers genuine import and export data for businesses. Our major services are export and import data of India, India shipment data, India trade data, foreign import and export data, USA import data, and information related trading with and in India. We provide genuine, reliable, and updated import and export data to help your business grow.
HS Code (Harmonized System Code) or HSN Code is a numeric value of the classification of goods developed by the World Customs Organizations (WCO). The code serves as the foundation for the import and export classification systems and it covers over 5,000 commodity groups. The HS code comprises 6 to 10 digits where the code remains the same across the world at 6 digits level but it varies for 8 to 10 digits. To know the HS code of your product, visit the codes finder website and enter a description of the product and search. Once you get the code, you can view what import duty will be for your product.
Trade Genius Global strives to render a unique and easy to understand presentation of export-import data analytics with a professional approach to information that will enable you to make a smarter call for your export/import specifications. Our comprehensive Exim solutions could positively impact your diverse business practices. With our dedicated research team and the expertise, we offer you complete analytical knowledge that enables you to stay ahead of your competitors.

Maximize Export Import Profit with proper database

Trade Genius Global provides INDIA IMPORT EXPORT DATA on the value and quantity of products exported and imported between various countries and its trading partners. We have one of the biggest databases in terms of both the number of countries included in its database and offering information about actual overseas importers and exporters. We are offering Import Export data from 60 countries according to the bill of loading and Customs records. We process large numbers of data in a methodical way and provide them useful and realistic for its members.

IMPORT EXPORT DATA OF INDIA is available for all major ports, Major ports are approximately 150+ Ports. Major Ports Include Like , Tughlakabad (TKD) ICD, Patparhganj (PPG) ICD, Delhi Air(IGI), Faridabad ICD, Garhi ICD, Dadri ICD(All Dadri Ports), Loni ICD,Sonepat Icd, Ludhiana ICD, Amritsar ICD, Ahmedabad ICD, Ahmedabad Air, Banglore Air, Banglore Icd, Chennai Air, Chennai ICD, Chennai Sea, Cochin sea, Coimbatore Air, Hyderabad Air, Hyderabad Icd, JNPT (Nhaa Sheva) Sea, Bombay Air, Bombay Sea, Tuticorin ICD, Tuticorin sea etc.

This Data Is also available year wise like, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.


Top 10 Trading Country of Export and Import with India

Values in INR Crore

Import 2014-15
Export 2014-15
Total Trade 2014-15

India’s Last 5 Years Trading Graphs

Values in INR Crore

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